Laveena Ramchandani – Senior Test Consultant
October 13, 2020I personally feel and thank conferences specifically for women in technology that happen every year. These are a great platform to learn from and if
I personally feel and thank conferences specifically for women in technology that happen every year. These are a great platform to learn from and if
Part of my approach is to try and motivate women to try to do something difficult. To achieve something, you need to know what you
For achieving gender equality (in tech) there has to be a lot of unlearning within communities regarding gender roles. Zaheeda Tshankie is a young mother,
In tech, women are 15 percent less likely than men to be managers and professionals. The underrepresentation in STEM makes their potential even higher. Sylwia
We need to have more managers who encourage and support women in their career progression especially when it occurs at the same time as setting
Women need to challenge the status quo by educating and showing society that they are capable of reaching great heights and success in tech as
Commit top management in setting targets for gender balance in companies (if needed), both in tech and in leading positions! Kine Dahl based in Oslo,
For me, women are more passionate and creative so if they develop an interest in computing they will be unbeatable and can bring in unbelievable
The best decisions in my career were the ones that always made me quit jobs I no longer loved. Iliada Evangelia Kothra is a business
Take more risks, think big, ask for help, and network! Tereza Gagnon is a business development and sales professional, currently working at Wultra, a fast-growing